VENOSAN Silverline Mens Compression Socks 20 – 30 mmHg

Venosan Mens Silverline Compression Socks 20-30mmHgAntibacterial and healthy compression socks for men. These dual action compression socks eliminate embarrassing odour and bacteria, whilst providing you with all the health benefits of firm graduated compression of 20-30mmHg. You can rely on them to stay refreshingly dry and comfortable, keeping your feet warm in winter and cool in the summer.Permanent antibacterial silver ions in the yarn eliminate bacteria and fungus, helping prevent odours, athletes foot and fungal nail disease. At the same time, firm graduated compression from your ankles to calves helps prevent tired legs, swollen ankles and [venous condition].Always consult your doctor for more information about using compression socks.
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"Daylong - The UK's Leading Compression Support Hosiery Store is Offering 10% of final basket value less postage and VAT for conversions on all of its available products. We specialize in Support Stockings, Tights and Socks." --- Day Long; More Details